Good Day:
Now for something new, different and unexpected ~ I hope you'll check it out>
Ryan Dohrn of Brainswell Media (if you don't know him, trust me, a simply terrific sales trainer!) and I are doing a joint webinar at 3 pm eastern on Tuesday, June 30. The entire focus is using the Pulse COVID-19 Shopping Impact survey information to provide certainty and clarity in a time of confusion. Is there anything more important? What steps can local media take to help their community, merchants and organizations they work for? We're going to tell you!
Register HERE.
Of course, I realize that not every Beyond the Horizon reader is interested or excited about data and sales and saving democracy - if that's the case, don't register. Very simple. However, I will be wearing a new Hawaiian shirt, so perhaps that'll compel you to join the fun.
Bottom line: Wanted you to know. Should be interesting. Here's hoping you've taken advantage of these times and done something great or learned a bunch!
All the best,