Season's Greetings:
Let me pass along a few holiday “stocking stuffers” as we wrap up what has been another eventful year. If these don’t make sense or you haven’t quite found the holiday spirit, simply consider the dubiousness of the source and hit delete.
I’ve long maintained the SIX most meaningful words are:
- “I love you!”
- “Thank you!”
- A person’s “name”
(Technically, only five words, right?)
Here’s an important addition:
Use, “…love, you, thank, name, and sorry,” more often and you’ll find yourself in a better world.
If you routinely utter those dreaded articulated pauses, consider a New Year’s Resolution and stop! Articulated pauses are those throwaway phrases many unknowingly use while speaking. The “you know” or “ums” or “you know what I mean?” or “so” we hear WAY too often.
Ages ago (Thank you, Bill!) a colleague pointed out my pauses after seeing one of my presentations. I had the “benefit” of viewing the actual recording of what was my less-than-rockstar effort and was between surprised and mortified at how many times I used the word “um”! I had no idea and remain grateful to this day it was brought to my attention. Most don’t even realize this is happening, so all it usually takes is someone pointing it out – what a nice gift!
Self-reflect – record and see for yourself? – and get rid of or minimize those distracting words! They certainly make you sound silly; heaven forbid this is actually what people think?
Pinky promise – I type this with love in my heart and fingers. We ALL have a friend (s) or a family member who, shall we say, is “long-winded!” The proverbial clock-builder when all you wanted to know was the time!
If you’re one of those long talkers, it’s worth thinking about change. Consciously think before answering and tap those oratory brakes before that sentence runs on and on and... Remember this: Brevity is your friend!
Two related points:
- Let’s be crystal clear, there IS a very real downside to your longwindedness! You might not ever realize it, and it won’t happen often, but there will be times a colleague or friend won’t answer upon seeing who is calling. Not because they don’t love you but because they have a pending commitment and simply cannot “afford” the time. Ponder that - I promise this happens!
- To a lesser degree, this applies to lengthy emails. One can certainly scan through an email more quickly, but when the entire world gets more and more digital communications, once again, Brevity is your friend! Get to the friggin’ point quickly.
And, finally, DONOTFORGET to choose!
I mean this in oh-so-many ways.
…Choose to be optimistic (or joyful, happy, content, glad or whatever positive attitude makes sense to you)!
…Choose to be on time.
…Choose to respond to emails (not spam or AI generated missives, but from friends, clients, partners!)
…Choose to reply to voice messages (If not via return call, then email or text).
…Choose to smile more!
…Choose to ask more questions and really LISTEN to the answers.
…When in doubt, choose to ACT.
…Choose to try (really try!) and understand a different point of view.
…Choose the High Road.
Every day of our lives is filled with choices. Even not choosing is a choice. Choose TO! Do not just let life happen. You will not regret it – ever.
Happy Holidays Dear Reader. Thank you for choosing to spend a couple of minutes reading Beyond the Horizon.
All the Best,
