Happy Juneteenth:
This page remained “empty” for the better part of four weeks with only the month listed on top. Inspiration (you’ll be the judge) finally arrived, yet I have to lead with a warning: This is a rant. My apologies in advance.
As my good friend, Phillip, would screech, “…what is wrong with you people?!”
My bet is you’ll feel my frustration….
- During a conversation with an experienced, well-regarded Ad Director of a small newspaper, I learned, “…our best ad category right now is obits!” WTF?
There’s something profoundly wrong with that statement. He was not joking! I shudder to imagine what the thinking is when trying to determine how to grow the category?
(Déjà vu) An excellent prospect has not committed because his team, “…isn’t sure the solution we proposed offers what they want?”
There are several “grrrrs” to this response:
- First of all, if this CRO wanted his team to explore my proposed solution, we should have set up a demonstration. No telling what he said or how he described our offering, but as good as he is, I’m 100% certain his job is not to sell my stuff!
- How many sales (or any) organizations will willingly get excited about an unseen addition to whatever their workflow is? Sheesh – it will never happen!
Most importantly, leaders need to LEAD, for Pete’s sake! I'm all for and strongly endorse getting feedback from colleagues, yet at the end of the day, a leader must have the fortitude to make decisions taking organizations in BETTER directions. She/he must articulate the why and how and then SHOW teammates the way. Leaders must lead, damnit - I do NOT see enough of that! (Of course, if you are content with the current state of affairs never mind!)
- Will someone explain this to me? On Wednesday of this past week, I received THIRTEEN unsolicited (spam) emails alerting me that I had been approved for a line of credit. Oh joy! Three of the offers were for $600,000 and ranged down to two offers of $375,000.
Who is smoking what? I know such entreaties are only going to get worse, yet How Stupid is the leadership of an organization IF they believe unwanted contact is the best path to growing their brand? I don’t care IF the occasional numbskull replies or picks up, this is a certain death knell even if the incremental cost to each additional contact is barely more than zero.
- While traveling, I often use McDonald’s as my mobile office. Good Wi-Fi. Clean most of the time. Reliable. I can get a Diet Coke, work for a while, and then grab a refill for the road!
Yet, that might not last much longer! It appears McDonald’s is systematically removing the self-serve drink stations from their stores and requiring patrons to ask a McDonald’s associate for a refill. If this is indeed the case, it will be one of the most misguided, backward-thinking decisions I’ve seen a company make in ages. Gotta hand it to ‘em – most of the time, such a “strategic” decision merely serves to annoy customers; yet in this case, McDonalds’ enlightened leadership has also found a way to totally irritate those on the front line who will have to constantly juggle duties further annoying customers. Brilliant!
Whew. I’m done. I promise, next month I’ll return to your suggestions from earlier in the year. Here’s hoping you are having a “cool” summer!
