Life interrupted in the form of a conference and a road trip chockablock full of notions to pass along…
My takeaways from this year’s MEGA Conference in Phoenix?
1) (What you hoped for is true!) Several presenters tracked the performance of client digital campaigns. They found greater satisfaction translating into increased retention when multiple digital solutions were included. The recommended number of digital solutions is SIX!
2) I heard a great line regarding a vision of how AI might advance our industry – using AI might help us “…create 1 to 1 for many!”
3) Francis Wick’s welcome will continue to resonate – “…pursue journalism in the language of the future!”
4) I thought this a critical distinction – once upon a time the goal of a newspaper was to INFORM; the smart newsrooms of today provide UNDERSTANDING.
5) Similarly, here are three sentiments we hope readers express upon using our products – 1) This is a credible source, they really “…know their stuff!” 2) Now that I know this, “I can take action!” 3) “This is easy to consume” on my preferred channel (s).
How are you delivering against those?
Two weeks ago, I took a road trip (remember those?) and visited several customers and prospects! I'm still smiling at some of the results and insights. For example:
- One new rep had been so frustrated she almost quit because of the cold calls (Oh My!) she had been asked to make in the first few months on the job. Guess what? Many of those calls were now bearing fruit and she was “…almost too busy!” My bet is she will continue to make regular cold calls – are YOU?
- I’ve seen Old Dominion Freight Line trucks on highways for years, but this is the first time their tagline has registered. I love this:

Does anyone have a similarly inspiring Mission Statement or quote to share?
- Perhaps you’re like me when traveling? A bite of chocolate and an occasional nice glass of wine paves the way for a great night’s slumber. This desire sometimes takes an unexpected turn! I never (I mean N-E-V-E-R) considered trying a “can” of wine, but lo and behold.

For the record, I’m in no hurry to duplicate this effort. The wine lived down to my expectations: tasteless and uninspiring!
